The firm’s transactional practice is comprised primarily of real estate and business transactions. We represent buyers, sellers, and lenders in residential and commercial real estate transactions. We also help individuals and entrepreneurs form new entities and buy or sell existing businesses.
Detailed descriptions of our transactional background and experience are set forth on the following pages:
Butler & Primeau LLP congratulates John C. Primeau for being recognized by Florida Trend magazine in its 2012 Florida Legal Elite publication.
The ninth annual edition of Florida Legal Elite recognizes a prestigious list of esteemed attorneys chosen by their colleagues. The lawyers listed here exemplify a standard of excellence in their profession, and by doing so have received endorsement from their peers in voting for the 2012 Florida Legal Elite. The resulting lists represent approximately 2% of the more than 67,000 active Florida Bar members who practice in Florida.
This is the second year in a row Mr. Primeau has been recognized in the Florida Legal Elite.
The Florida Bar sent out an email today clarifying that service by e-mail will not become MANDATORY until September 1, 2012, in civil, probate, small claims, and family law divisions of the trial courts, as well as in all appellate cases. E-mail service in criminal, traffic, and juvenile matters is not mandatory until October 1, 2013.
The Florida Supreme Court’s original opinion requiring e-service contained an effective date of July 1, 2012. A corrected opinion and correction notice were issued yesterday providing a revised effective date of September 1, 2012.
Links to the corrected opinion and the correction notice are provided below.
Corrected Opinion link: Amended e-mail service opinion with effective date of September 1, 2012
Correction Notice link: Correction notice reflecting the effective date of September 1, 2012
The Florida Bar will be providing complimentary education on the mandatory e-mail service requirements prior to the effective date.
The Palm Beach Post published an excellent article about the newest method some underwater owners are using to try to save their homes from foreclosure. Many people consider this a way to “beat the bank in foreclosures.” Is it a brilliant legal strategy or just the latest scheme? You decide.
The Post reports that at least two different companies (Fidelity Land Trust Co. and Equus Partners) are using a method to try to help underwater homeowners save their homes.
[It’s a] complex legal plan that begins when you deed your home [to a trust] . . . for an average fee of $2,500.
If the trust is successful in canceling the mortgage through a quiet title action, the homeowner is still responsible for the loan debt, or note, but the trust then tries to buy that debt from the bank for pennies on the dollar.
Because the debt no longer has collateral in the form of the home, the idea is the bank will be more willing to negotiate.
Literature sent to potential clients notes there are no guarantees in the legal process, but says that an “unfavorable” outcome “has never happened.”
That article points out that many attorneys fear the homeowner could be left owing debt to their original lender while paying a fee to the trust. On top of that, every title insurance underwriter I know of refuses to issues title insurance on properties where a “quiet title” lawsuit was used in this manner to wipe out a mortgage, especially through a “default judgment.”
I understand many homeowners are desperate, but remember that the deal that sounds too good to be true almost always is. How long before we read a “sad” story about someone who didn’t really understand how this worked and lost their home using this method?
If you’re considering this type of arrangement, please discuss it with an experienced real estate attorney before signing any papers.
Earlier today, the Florida Supreme Court released Opinion No. SC10-2101. All Florida lawyers need to read this opinion ASAP since it makes MAJOR changes to the Florida Rules of Judicial Administration, with conforming amendments to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, the Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure, the Florida Probate Rules, the Florida Rules of Traffic Court, the Florida Small Claims Rules, the Florida Rules of Juvenile Procedure, the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, and the Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure and Forms.
The good news for litigators is that your clients are going to save a lot of money on copies and postage. The bad news is that you have less than ten days familiarize yourself, your staff, and fellow attorneys with these changes and to implement new procedures to comply with the major rule changes.
I will start with two quick quotes from the opinion regarding implementation of these changes.
First, e-mail service will be mandatory for attorneys practicing in the civil, probate, small claims, and family law divisions of the trial courts, as well as in all appellate cases, when the rule amendments take effect on July 1, 2012.
Second, when the rules take effect on July 1, attorneys practicing in the criminal, traffic, and juvenile divisions [footnote omitted] of the trial court may voluntarily choose to serve documents by e-mail under the new procedures, or they may continue to operate under the existing rules. E-mail service will be mandatory for attorneys practicing in these divisions on October 1, 2013, at 12:01 a.m. (the date on which electronic filing will be mandatory in these divisions).
Those quotes probably got your attention. If so, read on. This opinion significantly changes the way pleadings are served in Florida [state court] cases. [Note: These changes do not apply to service of the initial pleading which still requires service of process under Rule 1.070. See comment to the post for further clarification.] This blog post summarizes some of the changes by quoting the significant amendment provisions, but you really need to read the opinion to understand the full impact of all of the changes. The opinion is 216 pages, so this blog post isn’t intended to serve as an exhaustive list of all of the changes.
The main change is that the Florida Supreme Court a new Florida Rule of Judicial Administration [2.516 – Service of Pleadings and Papers] which will control service of pleadings and papers (after the initial pleading) in various judicial divisions. This rule was modeled after current Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.080 (Service of Pleadings and Papers) and includes many of the same provisions and requirements for service.
However, new rule 2.516 provides that all documents required or permitted to be served on another party must be served by e-mail. Under subdivision (b)(1) (Service by Electronic Mail (“e-mail”)), upon appearing in a proceeding a lawyer must designate a primary e-mail address, and may designate up to two secondary e-mail addresses, for receiving service. Thereafter, service on the lawyer must be made by e-mail. The rule does permit several limited exceptions to this requirement. A lawyer may file a motion to be excused from e-mail service, demonstrating that he or she has no e-mail account and lacks access to the Internet at the lawyer’s office. [footnote omitted] Similarly, individuals who are not represented by an attorney may designate an e-mail address for service if they wish; however, pro se litigants are not required to use e-mail service. Additionally, applications for witness subpoenas and documents served by formal notice or required to be served in the manner provided for service of formal notice are not required to comply with rule 2.516.
Subdivision (b)(1) also includes provisions addressing the time and format for e-mail service. Service by e-mail is deemed complete when the e-mail is sent. [footnote omitted] Additionally, e-mail service is made by attaching a copy of the document to be served in PDF format to an e-mail. The e-mail must contain the subject line “SERVICE OF COURT DOCUMENT” in all capital letters, followed by the case number of the relevant proceeding. The body of the e-mail must identify the court in which the proceeding is pending, the case number, the name of the initial party on each side, the title of each document served with that e-mail, and the sender’s name and telephone number. The e-mail and attachments together may not exceed 5 megabytes in size; e-mails that exceed the size requirement must be divided into separate e-mails (no one of which may exceed 5 megabytes) and labeled sequentially in the subject line.
As noted, the other subdivisions in rule 2.516 closely track the language in rule 1.080, modified to reflect the move to e-mail service. Subdivision (c) (Service; Numerous Defendants) describes procedures for service when the parties are “unusually numerous”; subdivision (d) (Filing) requires that all original documents must be filed with the court either before service on the opposing party or immediately thereafter; and subdivision (e) (Filing Defined) states that documents are deemed “filed” when they are filed with the clerk of court. Subdivisions (g) (Service by Clerk) and (h) (Service of Orders) address service of notices or other such documents by the clerk, and service of orders or judgments entered by the court, respectively. These subdivisions authorize, but do not require, the clerks and the courts to utilize e-mail service if they are equipped to do so.
In addition to new rule 2.516, we also amend the rules of procedure to delete existing provisions in the rules describing service, and add new language referencing rule 2.516.
There’s also a change to Rule 2.515 of the Rules of Judicial Administration to provide that the signature blocks on pleadings must now also include a primary email address and an optional second email address.
For most litigators, these rules take effect in less than ten days. That doesn’t give us much time to train staff on these new requirements, revise pleading forms to reflect the new signature block and “certificate of service” requirements, implement new procedures for service in accordance with rules, and file notices of email addresses in all pending cases.
The Florida Supreme Court released a separate opinion (No. SC11-399) pertaining to e-filing requirements. The implementation of that rule doesn’t start until next April, but it makes sense to familiarize yourself with its requirements before figuring out how your firm will comply with the e-mail service requirements.